I. LINH TRUNG CAMPUS: Nulear Technique Laboratory in Linh Trung Campus >> Go >>
There are five nuclear rooms for education and research.
(1) Basic Nuclear Experimental Room.
The room is equiped with Scintilation detectors and Geiger Muller counter systems, dose-rate inspectors, computers for data analysis, etc. Experiments perfomed in the basic nuclear laboratory help students understand the radioactive laws and radiation interaction with matter.
(2) Advanced Nuclear Experimental Room I
Room I equipments include HPGe Spectrometer, Alpha Spectrometer, and XRF systems, etc. Room I is used for gamma analysis, alpha analysis and X-ray fluorescence analysis. Room I is used for teaching and researching.
(3) Advanced Nuclear Experimental Room II
Room II equiments include the neutron activation analysis system, NaI(Tl) detector, etc. Room II is used for neutron activation analysis. Room II is used for teaching and researching.
(4) Sample-preparation Room
Sample preparation is done for HPGe, Alpha, Neutron, XRF analyses, etc.
(5) Nuclear Electronic Experimental Room
Nuclear electronic Lab. purposes for development of Electronic readout system, radiation detection system. This room is for teaching and researching.
*The pictures of equipments in Nuclear Laboratories.
Low gamma Background HPGe Spectrometer |
Alpha Spectrometer |
Neutron Activation Analysis
Scintillation spectrometer - NaI(Tl) |
X-ray fluorescence analysis | 250MHz Flash-ADC/FPGA |