Chemical elements in a sample were excited by radioactive isotope sources (Fe55, H3-Zr and Am241) or X-ray tube (gold target and silver target). In the process, some characteristic X-rays were emitted unique to each element. Energy and the net peak area of characteristic X-ray were measured by Si detector and Amptek DppMCA spectra analysis software. From there, the composition and concentration of interested elements could be determined.
Illustrated figures and results
Figure 1.Configuration of XRF system
X-ray fluorescence spectrum was recorded during excited sample. Experimental results such as energy and the net peak area of characteristic X-ray were measured by Si detector and Amptek DppMCA spectra analysis software.
Figure 2.Spectrum of X-ray tube with silver target
Figure 3.Spectrum of X-ray tube with silver target and copper filter
Figure 4.X-ray fluorescence spectrum of A1 geological sample