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Nguyễn Anh Tuấn, Châu Văn Tạo

Tạp chí Phát triển Khoa học và Công nghệ – Khoa học Tự nhiên, 4(4):737-743

Tóm tắt:

Chùm electron năng lượng cao phát ra từ các máy gia tốc ngày càng được ứng dụng rộng rãi trong xử lý thực phẩm, y tế, biến tính vật liệu, đổi màu đá bán quý và xử lý môi trường gồm nước thải, khí thải và bùn thải. Chùm electron phát ra từ máy gia tốc chỉ hữu hiệu trong việc xử lý bề mặt vì khả năng xuyên sâu thấp, do đó khi cần xử lý khối vật liệu có mật độ mặt cao chùm electron được bắn vào bia nặng để chuyển đổi sang tia X theo cơ chế phát bức xạ hãm. Trong báo cáo này, hiệu suất chuyển đổi tia X được xác định bằng thực nghiệm đo liều hấp thụ gây ra bởi chùm electron và chùm photon kết họp mô phỏng MCNP4c2 cho các bia khác nhau, với các mức năng lượng chùm electron tới bia 5 MeV, 7,5 MeV và 10 MeV. Kết quả mô phỏng MCNP4c2 và đo thực nghiệm đo liều bằng liều kế phim cho thấy hiệu suất chuyển đổi phụ thuộc vào vật liệu bia và năng lượng chùm electron tới. Hiệu suất chuyển đổi cao nhất khi sử dụng bia hỗn hợp Ti – H20 – Pb, với kết quả tương ứng với các mức năng lượng 5,0 MeV, 7,5 MeV và 10,0 MeV là 5,57 %, 7,12 % và13,54 %. Bia hỗn hợp Ti – H2O – Pb có tính ứng dụng thực tế cao vì bia được cấu tạo với 3 lớp vật liệu vở bọc Ti có chức năng chịu lực, chịu nhiệt, nước giải nhiệt được luân chuyển giữ lớp Ti và Pb để giải nhiệt cho bia.

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Distribution characteristics of radionuclides (226Ra, 234U, and 238U) and ratios (226Ra/234U, 226Ra/238U, and 234U/238U) in quarry lake environment: experimental and model assessment

Van Thang Nguyen, Cong Hao Le

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry


The abandonment of stone quarries establishes a quarry lake ecosystem that includes soil, water, fish, and vegetarian cover. The activity concentrations (ACs) of natural radionuclides in the waters of several quarry lakes worldwide have not been investigated. In addition, the features of radionuclides, such as distribution, seasonal variability, and health risks, have not been studied. In this study, the ACs of 226Ra, 234U, and 238U were measured in a typical quarry lake in Vietnam with an area of approximately 4000 m2. The average ACs of 226Ra, 234U, and 238U were 8.3, 13.8, and 17.7 mBq L−1, respectively. The ratios of 226Ra/234U, 226Ra/238U, and 234U/238U were 0.47, 0.6, and 0.79, respectively. A linear correlation was found between ACs and water depth. The ACs predicted by the QWASI (Quantitative Water, Air, Sediment Interaction) model agree with the measured values.

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 Yuki Fujii, Yu Nakazawa, Ewen Lawson Gillies, Eitaro Hamada, Masahiro Ikeno, MyeongJae Lee, Satoshi Mihara, Yuta Miyazaki, Masayoshi Shoji, Chau Thanh Tai, Tomohisa Uchida and Kazuki Ueno for COMET Collaboration

A COMET Experiment Phase-I is designed to search for a muon to an electron conversion with a 100 times better sensitivity than the current upper limit on its branching ratio in order to investigate the new physics beyond the standard model. To achieve such an unprecedented sensitivity, a high intensity muon beam is mandatory. In consequence, an extremely high hit rate is predicted and it can cause a high trigger rate more than tens of kHz dominated by the background events. Then the high trigger rate would lead to the severe dead-time in the data acquisition. Therefore it is essential for a success of the experiment to reduce the trigger rate down to a few kHz within a processing time shorter than 5 μs while maintaining the signal efficiency high enough. We are developing an event classification algorithm utilising a CDC hit information and a dedicated fast online trigger system to accomplish this aim. The event classification based on a boosted decision tree shows 3.8 kHz of trigger rate, which almost satisfies the rate requirement, with a good compatibility to the trigger electronics. The total processing time to generate the trigger decision is estimated to be ~3 μs which also fulfils the timing requirement.
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Development Of FPGA-Based Nuclear Electronics Using NI MyRIO Hardware For Small-Scale Radiation Detector Systems

Vo Hong Hai; Nguyen Tri Toan Phuc; Hoang Thi Kieu Trang; Truong Thi Hong Loan; Phan Le Hoang Sang
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science
This study presents advancements in coincidence electronics and a Pulse Height Analyzer (PHA) utilizing commercial FPGA-based (Field-Programmable Gate Array) hardware for radiation scintillation detectors. The hardware, based on a cost-effective NI myRIO device, integrates an FPGA, ARM Cortex-A9 processor, analog input (AI), digital input and output (DIO), and USB/wireless connectivity with a host computer. LabVIEW codes developed on the LabVIEW™ platform are implemented in the NI myRIO hardware for seamless integration and interfacing with a computer. The performance of the FPGA-based coincidence electronics is assessed through an experimental setup measuring the gamma-gamma angular distribution of a 22 Na radioisotope source. Similarly, the FPGA-based PHA is tested with a CsI(Tl) detector, and its energy resolution is compared to a commercial EASY-MCA 2K from AMETEK Inc.
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Development and implementation of a wireless real-time radiation monitoring system for LINAC beam delivery monitoring

Vo Hong Hai, Phuc Tri Toan Nguyen and Hieu Trung Nguyen

Science & Technology Development Journal 2024, 27():1-7


Introduction: In this work, we developed a wireless, remote, real-time radiation monitoring system designed to oversee beam delivery in a radiation therapy room equipped with a medical linear accelerator (LINAC).

Methods: This system utilizes a Geiger-Müller detector paired with embedded electronic hardware to accurately record radiation count rates in real-time. The data collected by this system are transmitted through LAN/WAN networks to the internet, ensuring instantaneous accessibility. In addition, a web server and mobile application were developed to display, receive, and archive the data from the radiation counter.

Results: Our system was deployed in the radiation therapy room of the Oncology Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, demonstrating a remarkable data reception rate of up to 99.8% over a three-day test period from June 27th to 29th, 2022. The system effectively identified beam-on instances and provided precise measurements of the number and duration of beam-on events.

Conclusion: This study demonstrates the feasibility of remote real-time radiation monitoring in medical settings and highlights the potential for enhancing radiation safety and treatment efficacy in external beam radiotherapy.

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Determining the thickness of a thin aluminum sheet using the transmission measurement of X-rays with varying energies: A comparative analysis between calibration curve fitting and artificial neural network approaches

Nguyen Thi Truc Linh, Nguyen Huynh Duy Khang, Le Thi Ngoc Trang, Huynh Dinh Chuong, Tran Thien Thanh, Huynh Truc Phuong, Hoang Duc Tam

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 


This study proposes an innovative configuration for thickness measurement based on X-ray transmission, intending to improve the precision of measuring thin aluminum sheets. In this configuration, an activation sample containing Zr, Sb, and Ba elements is irradiated by 59.54 keV gamma rays emitted from three 241Am radioactive sources with a total activity of 1.78 GBq. Subsequently, the activation sample emits fluorescent Xrays at energy levels of 15.78 keV (Zr-Kα1,2), 17.67 keV (Zr-Kβ1), 26.36 keV (Sb-Kα1,2), 29.73 keV (Sb-Kβ1), 32.2 keV (Ba-Kα1,2), and 36.38 keV (Ba-Kβ1). These X-rays are collimated into a narrow beam, which then penetrates through an absorbing sample, and is ultimately recorded by a Si(Li) detector. Two different approaches are investigated to determine the thickness of absorbing samples including Calibration Curve Fitting (CCF) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The CCF approach requires constructing linear calibration curves for establishing the relationship between lnR (R is the ratio of the peak areas in measurements with and without absorbing sample) and the thickness of the absorbing sample at each X-ray energy level. The sample thickness is then determined by calculating a weighted average of the measured thicknesses associated with all analyzed energy levels. This approach requires in-depth understanding of radiation physics and proficiency in X-ray spectrum analysis. Meanwhile, the ANN approach uses raw spectra obtained by the Si(Li) detector to predict the thickness of aluminum sheets, facilitating analysis without requiring human intervention. The reliability of these approaches is evaluated through experimental measurements on aluminum sheets with thicknesses ranging from 0.064 cm to 1.074 cm. The results indicate that using X-rays with many different energies leads to superior accuracy in thickness measurements compared to using X-rays with a single energy. Besides, both the CCF and ANN approaches yield relative deviations of less than 3% between the predicted and reference thicknesses. It is important to emphasize that the ANN approach represents a promising solution for automated analysis without the intervention of experts.

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